Shin-etsu Trail


Activity Reports


Online Meeting with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy

The Appalachian Trail (AT), the model for the Shin-etsu Trail (ST), is a world-class 3,500 km long-distance trail that stretches across 14 states along the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States.

Today, we held an online meeting with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), the headquarters that manages and operates this trail, to provide an overview of the ST and the status of the long-distance trails in Japan. We, the Shin-etsu Trail Club (STC), had a very valuable opportunity to introduce the ST and the status of long-distance trails in Japan to the ATC members.

After the introduction, ATC members asked a variety of questions and we had a lively exchange of

This exchange was made possible by the successful intertwining of the relationships that have developed between ST and AT from time to time.

After the meeting, it was impressive to hear the executive director say with deep emotion, “I’m sure Mr. Kato is pleased.

We would like to continue our exchange with them and deepen this friendship in the future.

Special thanks to:
Laura Belleville
Sarah Adams
Roger Hahn
Kaori Camplese